Easter Break Snaps

A lot of the Easter Break was either overcast or very wet, so I haven't been sent as many images as usual, although as few have arrived in the past week.  The first were sent by a resident of the Yorkshire coast who thought he had a pair of Black Redstarts in his garden.  This proved to be the case, and on a very misty morning these were joined by a male Common Redstart.  He also got a photo of his resident Barn Owl.
Black Redstart (c) 2018 David Ford

 Common Redstart (c) 2018 David Ford
 Barn Owl (c) 2018 David Ford
Meanwhile, at home a female Brambling visited for several days, looking remarkably like the one we had a few weeks ago.  She was still present today.  A colourful male Siskin arrived on the same day as the Brambling, but he hasn't been seen for a couple of days now. 
Meanwhile, a Friday morning attendee went to the coast and found a few Wheatears, a Meadow Pipit some Willowchiffs and more Black Redstarts. 
Meadow Pipit (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
 Wheatear (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
 Adult Male Wheatear (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
Willowchiff (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
Goldcrest (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
Black Redstart (c) 2018 Jane Robinson
Brent Geese
A little nagging from my nephew resulted in a search for our local Black Redstart last summer.  Sure enough there was one in fine condition, but I've no way of knowing if this is the same bird.  It's rather a shame that they never seem to be found in photogenic surroundings!
 Black Redstart

 The crouch
 Looking Down on one
 Taking Off
 Rusty in front and rusty behind
 Black Redstart
 Tail on full show
Finally, Buzzards are now becoming a regular sight just west of Hull.
Common Buzzard (c) 2018 Hugh Wood


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