Another Day, More King fishers!

On Wednesday for the second consecutive day I had to leave at 7.30 in order to get through the Hull traffic to reach RSPB Fairburn Ings on time.  The weather was overcast at first, so wasn't really an awful lot better than the mist of the previous day.  However, the Kingfishers were still in evidence, so that helped brighten everyone's spirits.  Paradoxically, the Green Woodpeckers were harder to locate than they were in the fog, but we did see one a fair distance off.  The wildfowl was easier to see on the large lake, but wasn't particularly close.  In the afternoon Tony and other morning retainers went off to Lin Dyke where they enjoyed good views in better light of some Goosanders.  A nice end to the Wednesday term, and the Goosander and Willow Tit helped the am team attain the 100 species for the Autumn term.
All Goosander photos (c) 2016 Tony Robinson
Drake Goosander
 Female Goosander
Female Kingfisher
 Trying to Blend in
 Male Kingfisher
 Record shot of Green Woodpecker 3 miles away!
 Drake Goosander
 Cormorant - in Breeding Fettle!
 Female Bullfinch
 Redwing - with sun
 Redwing - without sun
 Red Kite


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