Wintering Hen Harriers

During the last 2 afternoons this week I accidentally found 2 ringtail Hen Harriers hunting over a large set-aside area.  I was able to use my car as a hide to photograph these beautiful and graceful birds.  A local photographer must have already been aware of them as he'd set up a temporary hide in the field, and had probably obtained much better photographs than myself.  One of the Hen Harriers appeared to have much more gingery plumage than the other.  At one time yesterday they were joined by a male and female Marsh Harrier, which made the Hen Harriers more vocal while they were around.  

We are due to be visiting this location during my classes in the next few weeks, so hopefully my 'students' will also get to see these birds too.
Hen Harrier

 Ancient & Modern
 The Threatened & the Supported
 Showing the white rump

 A series showing the Hen Harrier Calling when the Marsh Harriers were around

 2 Harrier Species

 Male Marsh Harrier (top) & Hen Harrier
 Cream-crown Marsh Harrier

 Today's Hen Harriers


 3 Hen Harriers taken by Ben Coneyworth (17)

 Back to my Photos
 Hovering before the kill


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